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Why the AXR Terra900 Handheld XRF Analyzer for Scrapyard is a Good Option

Publish Date 2021-09-13
With the increasing shortage of mineral resources, the recycling and reuse of scrap metal is particularly important. Various metal recycling companies are engaged in the acquisition, sorting, packaging, and shipping of scrap metal at sites of different sizes. Imported scrap metal after primary selection and dismantling.

Scrap yard, where traders can quickly sort mixed scrap metal, grade alloys, and sort low- and higher-value materials.

In this way, recycled material can be precisely quantified by elemental analysis, ensuring that scrap metal is recycled and reused in accordance with quality requirements.

The handheld XRF analyzer plays an indispensable role in scrap metal acquisition and sorting materials. It can detect the composition and content of scrap metal purchased on site, and can sort out accurate metal grades to improve the utilization rate of scrap metal.

Why the AXR Terra900 Handheld XRF Analyzer for Scrapyard is a Good Option

The AXR Terra900 handheld XRF analyzer enables fast, reliable and continuous metal sorting in all climatic conditions, providing the best tool for the scrap metal processing and recycling industry.

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